A space for Makers
A Space for Makers
Have you ever had an idea to make something, but never did anything about it because of lack of space, materials or skills? No need to let those details stop you now, Los Alamos Makers may have what you need to make your dream project come true.
Los Alamos Makers is a space for “Makers” of all types and ages. It’s a place to share space, tools and knowledge. It’s a “Makerspace” which is a trendy term for a community shared workshop and classroom.

If you have a project you want help with, or you want to learn basic woodworking skills, or try out computer programming, or even learn more about DNA forensics, Los Alamos Makers offers space for you to spread out and access tools that you might not have at home. At LA Makers you can interact with people who share similar interests and you can learn new skills.
The lack of available space in cities, the desire for less clutter, and the need for more social interactions has fueled the growth of the sharing economy and the number of community Makerspaces is growing worldwide.
Why is this old shop concept trending now? The 4th industrial revolution is upon us as seen in advancements in robotics, biotechnology, genomics, and artificial intelligence, to name a few. The digital revolution is under way and moving fast. In order to keep up, we all have to be willing to be life-long learners, whether we have a PhD or never graduated from high school.
Paradoxically, some needed and useful skills are neglected, like sewing, cooking, fixing a bike or even knowing how to put up a shelf on a wall. We’ve become empowered and helpless at the same time.

With seed funding from The Community Lab and sponsorship from Los Alamos National Security and Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos Makers brought the Makerspace concept to our town just over a year ago.
Because Los Alamos is a one-of-a-kind community of creatives and learners with a unique and diverse set of expertise and interests, it is particularly suited for a Makerspace. The mission of Los Alamos Makers is to foster a community of learners and doers, where young and old, beginners and experts, can mingle, learn and innovate.
There are a number of ways you can get involved:
Join a free public event, like the monthly Monday Movie Night, or specialized meetups for woodworking, sewing, electronics, and computer coding (sponsored by Attack Research).
Volunteer your skills, whatever they are; event planning, woodworking, sewing, 3D printing, bike repair, or computer programming. If you’ve got skills, why not share them.
Get a day-pass or sign up for a membership. It will give you access to tools and space to work on your project and is a great way to support the Makerspace.
Donate or loan your unused tools and equipment that are collecting dust.
Check the website www.LosAlamosMakers.org for other volunteer opportunities and events and to learn more about what you can do at Los Alamos Makers. You can also connect on Facebook (@LosAlamosMakers), on Instagram (lacommunitylab) or by email at Hello@LosAlamosMakers.org. Or stop by the Makerspace conveniently located behind LA High School at 3540 Orange Street, suite LV1, next to Family Strengths Network.
If you ever had an idea and never did anything about it, maybe now is the time and Los Alamos Makers is the place.
(This article was published in the October 2017 issue of the "Los Alamos Living" magazine)