We moved! Announcement coming soon...
Welcome to Los Alamos Makers!
Los Alamos' first community makerspace.
Get involved, join us or donate!
A 501 c 3 non-profit scientific and technical playground
for all ages and abilities,
an informal and inclusive vocational training center
and an idea-stage incubator for technical endeavors.
Get support for your technical projects
from basic woodworking to 3D printing, modern manufacturing and biotechnology.
Get access to events, classes, space, tools, equipment and 1-on-1 mentorship.
Get vocational training certified by digital badges (3D printing, laser, CNC, coding, Biolab technician, woodworking).
Test your ideas, share your skills, learn new skills and meet new people.
Contact us at Hello@losalamosmakers.org or send a text to (505)309-0561
Featured Maker:
- Request custom work
(3D printing and wood carvings)
- Request 1-on-1 instruction
- Attend free clubs and Meetups
- Attend classes and workshops
- Rent the space for private classes or events
- Participate in community events
- Get involved in our online forum and online Discord community
Note: Thanks to funding from the Los Alamos Community Foundation, some instructions are eligible for a New Collar Network Digital Badge certification.
Required non-member agreement form
Enjoy all the benefits of non-members +
- 24/7 access to the space
- Access to specialized software
- Access to our free tool lending library
- Technical help
- Discount on select classes and instructions
- Discount on space rental for private classes and events
- Bring guests
- Participate in our quarterly pizza party
Note: Before you purchase a membership, please contact us to get a tour, so we can chat and understand how we can best help.
Required member agreement form

Los Alamos Makers is part of the New Collar Network
Just search for "Los Alamos Makers"
Space rules (adjusted for pandemic times...)
Old rules are still in effect.
If you haven't already, please make sure to read our policies here: https://www.losalamosmakers.org/policies.
New rules:
1- Before your member key fob can be activated (or reactivated), you will have to fill out the following agreement form: https://forms.gle/YrBSeSTKrKiFXJke8
2- If you are feeling sick, or even tired, do NOT plan a visit. COVID-19 aside, working while tired is just not safe.
3- Members still have 24/7 access, but due to COVID-19 restrictions, we limit our capacity to 25%.
In order to limit the number of members in the same room, when you come in, please make sure there are not more than 5 people in a room at the same time. Just come back later. The key here is to respect the social distancing guidelines.
4- At this time, to minimize the number of people present simultaneously, members are NOT allowed to bring guests during busy times.
5- Wash your hands properly with soap and water, or use the hand sanitizer pump located at the entrance, as soon as you come in and before you touch any tool or equipment.
6- Since wiping each tool or equipment with disinfectant after each use is not always practical or good for the tool or piece of equipment, please wear a mask and gloves as much as possible and respect standard social distancing practices. We encourage you to bring your own, but if needed disposable masks and gloves are available in each room, for your convenience.
7- Do not allow anyone to piggyback!!! Members should use their own key fob.
8- As always, please clean up after yourselves!
9- To help us ensure a clean experience between members, please use the 10% bleach spray located in the bathroom after each use. Spray the toilet seat, the door knob, the flush handle and the faucet handles.
10- Lastly, our friendly reminder: Although the SawSTOP is a really cool toy, it is a state-of-the-art table saw that allows you to more safely enjoy woodworking. Please respect the saw...it's still a saw. Anyone who triggers the SawSTOP security system, intentionally or not, will be charged $150. So, please do not try to cut wet wood, pressure-treated wood, or any metals without consulting us first. You can also test your wood using the saw's bypass mode.
Again, per our policy, do NOT use any equipment you haven't been trained on or cleared to use.
If you need any help, we are always one email or text message away.
3- Members still have 24/7 access, but due to COVID-19 restrictions and the new Executive Order, we limit access to 1 person at a time in the space.
4. To ensure not more than 1 member is in the space at a time, members must sign up for a time slot before coming in (multiples of 1-hour increment).
5- Wash your hands properly with soap and water, or use the hand sanitizer pump located at the entrance, as soon as you come in.
6- Since wiping each tool or equipment with disinfectant after each use is not always practical or good for the tool or piece of equipment, please make sure you have washed or disinfected your hands before you touch any tool or equipment.
7- In order to maintain proper ventilation in the space, please do not turn off any of the fans (located at the door or ceiling) and do not attempt to close the windows.