Why Every Business Needs a Working User-Friendly Website
Because some of our DIYers are not just hobbyists but some are also creatives and budding entrepreneurs, here is a little advice from our...
Volunteers make a difference at Los Alamos Makers
Los Alamos is not just “where discoveries are made”. Los Alamos is where people keep learning (no matter how smart) and care about their...
DOE Solar Competition Event
Today is the last day you can submit your idea! Last week, on Saturday , September 29th, Los Alamos Makers organized an info session...
The power of community!
We are very grateful to be part of the Nation of Makers community. The very first Nation of Makers conference (NOMCON) was held at our...
How do you define your success?
Bring your idea to life! That's what we encourage you to do in a makerspace. Observe, explore, tinker and maybe come up with a potential...
Makerspaces can play a pivotal role in our communities
Whether it's education, custom small-scale manufacturing, fostering economic development or helping build an inclusive community,...
Ignite Los Alamos 2018
Los Alamos Makers was the proud host of the very first "Ignite Los Alamos" event. What is "Ignite Los Alamos"? More appropriately, what...
Carbon Capture
As we know, humanity has drastically increased the rate at which we release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere since the Industrial...
3D Printing Taken To The Next Level At NOMCON
The very first Nation of Makers conference (also known as NOMCON) took place in Santa Fe, N.M., on June 9th. Congressman Ben Ray Lujan...
What if we fixed, re-purposed or donated our "stuff" instead of throwing it away?
Yeah...I know...Who's got time for that, right? Fixing, re-purposing and even donating can be an investment in time AND money. Sometimes...